Sunday, January 25, 2015



Sorry I didn't post yesterday or the other the day before that. I'm going to start posting either two or three days a week. This weekend I pretty much was just with my sister, watching movies, oovooing (Video chatting), and online SHOPPING. I love snow but at the same time I hate it. I watched Degrassi, which is pretty much life. Also, I watched " With These Rings". It was a great movie, very funny. I wish I could of watched one of these movies but I couldn't because my weather sucks but let me stop talking about me. How was your weekend?

*Question of the Day
How was your weekend?
What did you do this weekend?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Speaking in Public TIPS

Well, I have a few tips for speaking in public. If you are anything like me, you will need these tips. People say to imagine others in underwear but if anything I'm imaging my self in underwear.

Tip 1. Practice so you know it from head to toe. Once you're prepared, go through the speech, essay, paragraph etc . Then read it again. Then again. And then once more.

Tip 2.  One of the most important ones RELAX and BREATH! To be honest we are our worst critics during a presentation.

Tip 3. Slow reading is always perfection. Pace yourself! I know for a fact when some people are nervous they start to read fast, and no one can understand them, or they stutter the words.

Tip 4. Look confident, even if you know your the most unconfident person in the room . Making your self look confident, makes people believe you know what your doing.

Tip 5. Maybe even make a joke or two, if you still happen to be very nervous.

Tip 6. Last but not least, BE YOURSELF! We are human, we will all make mistakes. Practice makes perfect.

What I do for public speaking...

I usually read it over a couple of times before presenting. Then I look at the audience a couple of times, I sometimes even take breaks during it ( 3 second breaks ), I'm not perfect at presentations yet, but these tips are not meant to make you perfect there just meant to help the process.

* Question of The Day *
What helps you, if your publically speaking and your anxious or nervous?

If you have any questions Comment, Follow, or ask for my email if you have questions.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Find Your Squad


In this world maybe all we need is people that care about us. Life is about compassion and love. We find people, become friends with them, and share more than you would than with your family. I love that, though. Having trust, that you know is real. My friends, we " know " each other but we're getting to really know each other, if that makes any sense. As, my friends would say " what we say in squad, stays in squad." Today, finally actually felt real. There's a quote, that as you get older you lose friends, and your group becomes smaller. I believe that you will leave high school with a few friends but those you leave with, will be in your life forever. I hope that everyone finds the love they need, to feel vigorous and happy.

* Question of the day *
Do you have friends like that?
Would you like friends like that?

Monday, January 19, 2015


 First Blog

* Beep Beep Beep * Get up, Take a shower, Eat something, or maybe not, go to school. Class after class, Then I go home. They say it ends when you die, " having to keep going and never stopping", not even for a break.... I really hope that's not the case. I've figured out one thing people in my town haven't which is, I cant wait to leave. I'm not sure what's waiting for me in 1 or even 5 years but I want to be known, I mean is that so bad. I live a life, like billions of other people in this world that's ordinary, but I want a change in my life, actually I need a change in my life.

* Question Of The day *
How do you feel about your everyday life?